4+1 = 5

In this entry, I'll be going over a couple videos and an article on the 4+1 Model. It's funny, the first video I watched was the 6 blind men one, and I was immediately remembered of the first (I think it was the first) entry in this blog. It was about architecture design and how it has many different points of view, just like the 6 blind men describing the elephant. Hmmm.. I thought, this video is onto something.

The next video was pretty straight forward, an explanation of the 4+1 Model, with the +1 being the Use Case view, the view from the outside world. I'll go into more detail later.

FInally, I get to the article. I mean, I saw it coming, but despite how clever it was, I felt like someone explained a joke to me, but in reverse. I mean, I found the article quite funny, indeed, but it was more an "Yeah... I get it", alongside a laugh as to not make the situation awkward. Simply put, the article tied together the 6 blind men with the 4+1 view model in a comedic manner, where the elephant was instead a software (they had one when it was smaller, referencing past programs being much simpler) that the author makes each "blind programmer" in a way that I didn't really get. He mainly played on work stereotypes, and how each programmer behaves depending on the area of the 4+1 model they're focused on. I won't pretend like I get every quirk of these fictious blind programmers, but, yeah... I get it.

Alright, so now back to the 4+1 Model.We have the Logical View (system parts & interaccions), the Process View (processes & communication), the Physical View (hardware) and the Development View (modules, libraries). The +1 is essentially what the program does when viewed by the end user.
